Join Kimberly Haynes for

Sounding Through the Five Stages of Grief

A 2-hour exploration into and through loss and change.

Loss has many faces: death, divorce, and changes of all kinds.

How we move through these losses determines how well we live into our possibilities  


Sunday, October 4 from 4-6pm

It is only through holding our own broken hearts and wounds in an attentive and compassionate embrace, that we can, over time, move through our grief to some stage of peace and resolution.  

~ Brad Hunter


Causes & Symptoms of Grief

Causes of Grief

  • Death of someone you love

  • Loss of your health or the health of someone you care about

  • End of an important relationship, either romantic or friendship

  • Loss of a job or financial security

  • Loss of a friendship

  • Loss of innocence

  • Loss of a dream or not reaching a long term goal

  • Trauma that causes you to grieve the sense of safety or security you used to have

Symptoms of Grief

  • Sadness, depression, crying spells
  • Restlessness, irritability, trouble concentrating
  • Anger at self and others
  • Feelings of being untethered from reality
  • Anxiety, feelings of heaviness
  • Headaches, shortness of breath
  • Tightness, tiredness, change in eating habits
  • Insomnia

Your guide is Kimberly Haynes

Artist in Residence, Cantorial Soloist, Singing Specialist, Spiritual Life Coach

Kimberly Haynes is an award-winning recording artist and founder of The Yoga of Voice & Vibration, and YourLifeOnPurpose.

Drawing on a passion for purposeful living and her own journey through loss, Kimberly Haynes uses her gift of music to find meaning through the stages of grief.

“When we consciously take the time to go inside and witness what’s there – a certain kind of magic happens. Stuck negativities start to transform into harmonious flow simply by taking the time to be present with ourselves. Habits of thought that undermine our balance and peace, dissolve in the vibrational field of the voice and crystal bowls.”

Kim’s commitment is to support you as you embark on this profoundly beautiful practice  of personal alignment with the beauty that lies at the very center of your being.


What is Sounding through the Stages of Grief?

The Voice

The voice itself is a pathway for profound awakening and transformation, as we give voice to our grief.

Sounding (vocal toning) uses your voice to harmonize and balance your cells and vibrational pathways in the body. Vocal Sounding is essentially “vocal homeopathy” for the brain, body, and soul and is known for its steady state of one tone per exhale.

Each week, as we contemplate the stages and phases of our grieving, we will use our voices to create an inner vibration allowing for movement and flow.

No singing experience required

The Bowls

The sound of a quartz crystal bowl, the “music” it can emit, is a pure holographic template of radiant light that responds to the octave of sound within our being.

Vibrational medicine is based on how sound and light resonance can break-up, dissolve, and release blockages

These bowls are often used in the practice of sound healing to create deep, alpha states of meditation with a range of vibrational sounds and frequencies. It is in these states that our consciousness can heal and restore itself.

Within minutes of the bowl being sounded the vibrational resonance flows through all areas of the body.

The Practice

With this practice, we consciously make time to go within and be fully present with our own experience. In doing so, we allow the heaviness in the chest to lighten and transform

We will look at the different models of grieving and contemplate where we are on the journey and how we can support ourselves along the way.

Where our grieving may have pushed us into an unconscious state of ‘holding our breath’ against the hurt, the long slow practice of toning invites us to breath deeply and completely. The bowls and our voices take us deep into our bodies and deep alpha states where our highest wisdom and understanding becomes available to us.


Our consciousness… needs to rest in order to restore itself.
Our consciousness is just like our body. Our body knows how to heal itself if we allow it the chance to do so.
Only if we know how to allow them to rest can our body and our soul heal themselves.

~ Thich Nhat Hahn

The Faces of Grief

(as conceived by Elizabeth Kubler Ross)


We are in a state of shock. We go numb. Life makes no sense. The world becomes meaningless and overwhelming. We wonder if, how, and why we should go on. Sounding here, we get in touch with the Grace in this stage. We recognize the gift that is nature’s way of letting in only as much as we can handle until we are ready. The crystal bowl vibrations invite the mind into an open, receptive state where it can feel safe to explore all that needs to be seen, felt, and heard.


Anger is an immediate emotion with a lot of power behind it. As we work with it, however, we find other feelings hidden within it. Mostly the pain of loss. Sounding here, we loosen the vice grip around our hearts with the vibration of our toning. We invite anger to the table to see what needs to be seen, to feel what needs to be felt, and to hear what needs to be heard.


Bargaining can be a way station that gives our psyche the time it may need to adjust. In bargaining, we are sometimes still holding on to an alternate future in which the loss or change never happened. If only or what if…. Bargaining allows us to believe that we can restore order to chaos. As we move through this stage, the mind explores all those “what if” and “if only” thoughts and feelings.


Depression has elements that can be helpful in grief. It slows us down and allows us o take real stock of the loss. It makes us rebuild ourselves from the ground up. It clears the deck for growth. It takes us to a deeper place in our soul that we would not normally explore. The goal is not to get stuck here. Sounding into our depression, we bring in our full presence to witness what’s there, allowing and inviting movement and flow.


Acceptance is sometimes confused with the notion that we are ok with what has happened. This is not the case. There are certain things we will never be ok with, but rather we learn to live with them. This stage is about accepting the new reality and recognizing the permanence of this reality. Sounding here, we call out to that part of ourselves that will be the firm foundation on which healing and adjustment can take a firm hold.

“Kimberly has worked at my side for the past fifteen years leading, serving, and attending to life cycle events for our Ahavat Torah Congregation. Her deeply devotional commitment to raising the vibration of our community has greatly enriched and elevated us. May she provide each of you with the healing and love she provides all of us.”

Rabbi Miriam Hamrell

Ahavat Torah

Kimberly is deeply compassionate, learned, and her vibrational energy field soothes anyone lucky enough to be around her.
She is immensely talented, but what is most amazing about her is that she wants everyone else to be their very best self, too, and she does all she can to help those she meets to get there.”

Mitzi Shwarz

Chaplain / Cantorial Soloist

“Kim’s soul work has had a huge impact on my self confidence/self worth, giving me the tools to empower my self by connecting to my voice. She creates such a beautiful container that feels safe and nurturing. I always leave with life enhancing tools to use everyday. Looking back on my life since starting this journey it has shifted in ways that has left me empowered instead of disconnected. I now know that every experience good or challenging are my teachers to learn and grow from. I am forever grateful to you Kim for guiding me back to my heart.”

Caroline Hagenau


Inside the Sounding Experience…


In the mind

Reduce stress and anxiety
Enter deep alpha states with access to your personal stores of wisdom
Increase mental and emotional clarity
 Promote spiritual & emotional healing
Calm and focus the mind
Release endorphins, dopamine & serotonin

In the Zoom Room

Virtually led Sounding practice
Live Alchemy Crystal Bowls
Discussion on journal prompts
supporting materials

In the body

 Promote inner calm and tranquility

✓ Allow for full-body release

 Lower anger and blood pressure
 Improve circulation and increase blood flow
Increase oxygen levels in the bloodstream
Stimulate the immune system
Ease hypertension
Reduce stress and anxiety
Promote a felt-sense of well-being

Sounding through the Stages of Grief with Kimberly Haynes

Join this 2-hour exploration of the phases and stages of grieving using your voice as your guide



Sounding through the Stages of Grief

with Kimberly Haynes

Sunday, October 4




 two hours through the phases and stages of grieving

Vocal sounding & breath practices with crystal bowls

Supporting materials & journal prompts




What will I need to participate?

computer, headphones/earbuds, journal, pen/pencil, water, meditation cushion and supports

How do I access the course content?

 Your links will be sent to the email address you registered with.

Who Can Benefit from Sounding practices?


Grief is a natural part of the human experience, therefore everyone can benefit from making space in their lives to be with their experience.

The toning and the bowls together create deep calm and relaxation allowing us to fully integrate our feelings of loss.

This space is a courageous, brave space for everyone interested in these practices, to show up in the completeness of who they are, including their race, gender identification, partners of choice, and cultural and religious identity.