Hi Everyone!
At the end of 2015, we are counting our blessings!
So much great stuff has happened, but the greatest is that Brian has been given a clean bill of health after two years of successful treatment for secondary liver melanoma.
This is a great miracle, indeed.
Two years ago, to say the future looked grim, is an understatement.
Today, life has returned to normal and we are thriving in health and familial love.
Personally, I am reaching goals I never dared to dream.  Many angels have carried me here, and new ones keep coming in, guiding the way.
I’m exhilerated by the projects I have simmering away for 2016 including:
The release of my album, Light of My Soul, this Spring
A second CD of medicine songs – YES!  A 2nd CD!
Creating and holding my first ever Circle of Sisters weekend retreat
(please find information about this on the events page of my website);
AND there may also be a book in the works that I have been wanting to write for quite a long time!
So much to look forward to!
As we go through the portal of 2015 to 2016 tonight, I offer a prayer for us all:
May we each live our lives as a prayer, walking gently through each day, mining the peace within so that the fragrance of peace permeates ourselves and all those in our circle, reaching out further and further until we have made a new world for those yet to come.
May it be so!