Make It Count

Make It Count

“Make it Count” is a new song I recently started working on, about making every word and deed count. That all words and actions would be mindful and conscious – for that is the art of truly and fully living the gift of life. My many responsibilities have prevented me...
PINTA UNVEILED – Earth Day 2018

PINTA UNVEILED – Earth Day 2018

NEXT SUNDAY EARTH DAY APRIL 22 The unveiling of my brand new music video! PINTA I personally directed and edited this project in honor of Earth Day and in honor of my beautiful tribe who has supported the unfolding of the creative force of music and art. This spanish...


WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE My eldest son is taking an online goal setting class for the Spring semester at the ‘Haynes’ School for Boys.’ This morning, we talked about the difference between dreaming and goal setting. It was a difficult distinction to make in some ways....
The Yoga of Voice & Vibration

The Yoga of Voice & Vibration

Singers, speakers, communicators, teachers! Actors, musicians, Seekers, chanters! Are you ready to abandon self-judgement and fear? Are you ready to express yourself clearly and authentically? Are you ready to connect with your most unique mode of expression? Are you...

The Yoga of Sacred Song – new date! Ancient tradition and modern experts agree that past traumas and negative cultural conditioning in early life are stored in the fifth chakra (also known as the throat chakra). Often, stuck energy in this area presents as an...